Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too Early

It's 7:15am on a Tuesday morning and here I sit, preparing to study.  This is the only thing I hate about test weeks...there's so much to be done that I never feel finished.  I can stop for the day when I get too tired to continue, but it just makes the next day feel more pressured.  My original study goal was to finish all my flashcards yesterday, but with Mother's Day on Sunday and the migraines of the end of last week, things didn't go as planned and if I'm going to finish today, that will men 5 sections of biochem and 6 of GI physiology by the end of the day.  I'm hoping for most of that--I was pretty productive yesterday and felt good about it, so maybe the trend will continue.  As long as I have two pretty solid days for practice problems, that should do.  Right now I just feel like this test, more than others, is a mish-mash of mumbo jumbo in my head--it's like alphabet soup, and remembering what every single combination of letters stands for is what I worry about.  Ah, well.  It'll be over Friday. 

1 comment:

Katya said...

good luck! I know you'll be fine.