Sunday, May 3, 2009

Living Space

Spent much of this weekend doing some things around the house.  Yesterday my mom got new living room furniture delivered, which meant that we inherited a couch, leather recliner, and chest/coffee table for our house.  The couch went out on our breezeway/porch, which we also finally (only a year after buying the dang place) decorated as a result.  It looks lovely--if very "man cave" esque (D loves Guinness and pub stuff, and since I've been very accommodating elsewhere in the house, I told him I refused to put all that up anywhere but the porch, which is more of a party room anyway).  We also, in effort to make room for the chest and recliner, rearranged our living room furniture and it looks so much better now--much less college apartment and much more welcoming and homey.  The house actually opens up into the living room when you come in the door now, rather than the living space being pretty much closed off by the position of the sofa. 

In celebration of all the new-ness and the "house feeling like a home"-ness, we had a few friends over for a party (and also watched the horses run in circles--what a Derby, by the way).  Everybody chipped in, we grilled out on our deck and ate on the porch/breezeway and then played board games and watched movies in the newly-arranged living room, and it was fabulous.  As D and I both put it, this is exactly the kind of day  we pictured having when we bought a house, and it's finally come together enough for that to happen.  It really was just a fun time, but it felt like such a huge success.  

Now, the next two weeks will be a spring to the finish--but for once, I feel more than up to the task.  And comfortable doing all the studying in my lovely house!

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