Friday, May 8, 2009

El Fin

I watched the finale of Scrubs last night, and it was so, so, so, so indescribably perfect.  The final sequence of "what might happen" set to Peter Gabriel's The Book of Love was possibly the best way anyone has ever come up with to end a show.  If they decide to bring it back next year, I won't watch, because to me, this was the epitome of an ending.  Don't know if there are any other Scrubs fans out there, but I sure hope so.  It's a fabulous show--I own every season and I could pull any of them out at just about any time and love them all over again.  I mean really--I cried.  Maybe I'm just a sentimental fool, but I think if you watch you'll agree with me. 

In other news, we are officially in the throes of finals week and I am officially getting tension headaches every day from staring at my computer too much, so I may not update a bunch this week.  Then again, I might, just to procrastinate.  I'm hoping to get an out this weekend with Mother's Day and with D wanting to see the new Star Trek movie (which, admittedly, looks pretty awesome).  

Final thoughts for the day--please keep my wonderful grandmother in your prayers, as her heart has begun giving her some problems again recently.  She is almost 86 years old, tough as nails and awesome in every way, but she has elected not to have bypass or any other open-heart surgery should anything go seriously wrong, which has us all rather worried about her current state.  She has a valve that leaks and has gotten progressively worse, and she is not a candidate for replacement.  As a medical student, it is the most maddening thing of all to know exactly how someone (most especially someone I love) will die, and to know that there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it except wait (for who knows how long--days, or years) and make her as comfortable as possible when things get bad.  I think my mom is at peace with the idea of her (eventual, maybe sooner, maybe later) passing, but talking to my mom I find it hard to find that same acceptance.  She and my grandfather are the rocks of my family, and to think of losing them...well, I'll just ask for your thoughts.  

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