Friday, June 11, 2010

Sweet Nothings

So I've been enjoying my much needed vacation for a week now, and tomorrow D and I head off to join my family on a much-anticipated trip to the beach. Crossing fingers that BP hasn't completely F-ed the coastline where we're going, but looking forward to lounging by the pool and sticking my toes in the sand nonetheless.

Today was just about the most perfect day of all time--we slept in, had lunch, went shopping and found D a new swimsuit, located possibly the last remaining US team world cup soccer jersey in the entire galaxy, and I bought a cute World Cup Germany hat to keep my outrageously pale face from frying in the tropical sun. We found a birthday gift for a friend, took the dog out for ice cream, and are currently working on getting packed. All in all, it's been a glorious and relaxing day.

In other news, we are both (D especially) looking forward to the US v. England match tomorrow, but also preparing to cheer for England once the US is inevitably knocked out (though hopefully not until the quarterfinals).

What I have NOT been doing is anything whatsoever related to medicine, studying, or work. And it's been everything I knew it could be.

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