Monday, March 16, 2009


Saturday afternoon I spent some time hanging out at my mom's house, and my little sister's boyfriend looked up at me at one point and noted, "I can tell you're on break.  You're happy."  I'm hoping "happy" wasn't exactly the right word (since I feel like I'm relatively happy most of the time), but he did also point out that he could just tell I wasn't stressed, that I didn't have any work to do, because of my overall demeanor.  I think sometimes you don't realize how stressed you are until you aren't.  

As a result of this conversation, I am planning to spend as much of this week as possible doing whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it, and just generally luxuriating in relaxation.  I'm starting by spending today in "the big city" (about 2 hours away) w/ my friend F, doing some shopping and eating out and just having fun and not talking or thinking or even remotely associating anything with medical school. 

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