Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Home Stretch

I now have less than two weeks until the big day, and I'm feeling decidedly more relaxed now. I think the two weeks of path and micro were just more difficult because they were tougher subjects, with more information, to cram into a very small amount of time. Since finishing micro, I have busted out neuroanatomy in 2 days and finished this afternoon, which was a big ego boost--I hadn't planned on finishing until Tuesday, so now I can have a nice relaxed week of studying biochem (probably my weakest subject) rather than trying to cram all that into 3 days as well. Then, once biochem's done, it's just one big review of First Aid (the sort of "everything you need to know in one book" book) and then BAM, done. In fact, I'm almost looking forward to it at this point, not least because I have taken several people's advice to not study on the day before the exam. Instead, I have booked myself an appointment for a professional massage followed by a haircut the afternoon before, which is totally exciting. I've never had a massage, but have always said that I'd treat myself for various things--"once I'm finished with the semester," "once I achieve X goal," etc.--but never actually gotten done for one reason or another. Now there's no turning back because the appointment is booked, which means I'll be spending the day before boards getting pampered and relaxed and hopefully this will put me in an excellent state of mind. I'm already looking forward to it immensely.

1 comment:

Katya said...

most excellent! enjoy the day before your exam! That sounds like excellent studying to me!