Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend Stories

Our anniversary celebrations turned out to be lovely--on Saturday, we ate lunch with my mom and sisters so that D could run out to the store alone (mumbling something about presents) while I went with my mom to pick up our anniversary cake.  Now, before you get all excited thinking that I am ridiculous enough to go out and buy another wedding cake just for our first anniversary, let it be known that our fabulous baker actually included in the price of our wedding cake last year that on our first anniversary they would make for us (free of charge) a tiny round mini-wedding cake, lest we have to undergo the awful tradition of freezing the top layer for a year.  Gross.  So instead, we had a lovely little chocolate cake that tasted much like our wedding cake did last year!  Hooray!  

Upon meeting back up after said cake-retrieving and gift-getting, we exchanged gifts--I got D a video game and the game Parcheesi (a long story--something he's wanted for a long, long time and we've never been able to find).  D got me a gift card to Walgreens so I can print photos (because I always want to but never have the money) and a book about Florence with the promise that we will put enough money in savings this year to book a trip for next Spring Break.  This is why I love my husband.  We played Parcheesi, got fancied up, and went out to a fabulous dinner.  It was a lovely day.  

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with each of our respective families, and then yesterday it was back to work for my last week in clinic.  And oh, but there were a couple of gems...mainly that of the mother with her 2 month old baby who informed me that the baby was crying all the time and eating too much.  The baby was currently taking 8 oz. of formula every 1-2 hours (note: normal would be 4-5 every 3-4 hours at that age) and they were feeding him oatmeal because he "just went through food too fast otherwise and we can't afford to keep buying formula."  Holy.  Cow.  FYI:  2 month old babies should NOT be eating solid foods.  Especially things like oatmeal.  Jesus.  We had a loooooong talk about the fact that babies sometimes cry not only when they're hungry, but when they're in pain--like perhaps if their bellies are so stretched out from being overfed that they feel like they're going to explode.  

People crack me up sometimes.  

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