Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weekend Ramblings

Yesterday at clinic was uber-slow...I saw a few kids in the morning there for weight checks and labs (read: they're overweight and we're trying desperately to do something about it before they're too old to care), and a few in the afternoon who were mildly ill but nothing too exciting.  Hoping today is more interesting.  

Our first wedding anniversary is on Sunday, so I went out yesterday and bought D's gift--a new video game he's been wanting and the board game Parcheesi.  Doesn't sound like much, but the Parcheesi is kind of a sentimental gift because it's something he's talked about wanting for about forever, but could never find and would probably never buy for himself.  So I'm hoping he likes it.  I wanted to get something really sweet and thoughtful--like a really nice watch that I could engrave or something--but we limited ourselves to $50 and he already has a watch anyway.  Pbbttthhh.  He can keep the card for touching memories, I suppose.  :-)

The weekend was nice--my in-laws brought over our amazing new bookcase/desk for the spare bedroom, so I'll post pictures of that once we get our absolutely ridiculous number of books and movies onto it and the room is half decent once more.  For now though, I'll apologize for the relatively boring post and get back to my regularly scheduled life-saving (*crosses fingers*). 

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