Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baby Day at the Zoo

D and I took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous weather this afternoon and went to the zoo.  We got a membership last year and haven't been able to use it all that much, so it was really nice to spend the day enjoying the sun and hanging out (and getting some exercise to boot).  We actually sort of assumed no one would be there, because today's the day of a huge festival in our hometown and we figured everyone and their mother would be busy with that.  Unfortunately, we must have missed the memo that when all the single adult and older family types are out celebrating, everyone with a child under the age of 5 goes to the zoo.  The place was literally crawling with strollers.  I have never in my life seen so many in one place--except maybe Disney World.  It was crazy.  Luckily, though, little kids tend to be pretty into the zoo and it actually made for a really fun time, because not only did we get to enjoy for our own sake, but we got the additional hilarity of hearing three year old lisps proclaiming the virtues of meerkats.  

Now we're home and being domestic--I mowed the front yard, he's currently mowing the back and I'm studying the endocrinology of the reproductive system.  Because, you know, that's how we work.  

1 comment:

Katya said...

The virtues of meerkats is something very important and not to be overlooked.

neither is the endocrinology of the reproductive system, but I'll stay over here and take pictures, thanks very much.