Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goo Goo Gah Gah

Things learned after a week in the newborn nursery:

1. Newborn babies smell fabulous. Seriously. Go smell a baby. You'll be glad you did.

2. Swaddling is more difficult than you'd think. I mean, wrap a baby like a burrito, how hard could it be? Harder than it looks, my friend, harder than it looks.

3. Poopy diapers are not as disgusting as I thought they'd be.

4. Babies = not so breakable. After just a couple of days, you get used to picking them up and flipping them over and whatnot without worrying that their head will snap off.

5. Work is not work when you spend your morning with one hand on your stethoscope and the other on a pacifier.

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