My day today flew by so fast I looked up and couldn't believe it was 5:30.
I saw well babies, kids with viruses, a rash, an almost teenager with a weight problem who loved basketball. I chatted with moms and played with younger sisters and was apparently the interpreter phone magnet (seriously, folks, my spanish skills are not good enough for this business).
At first I was nervous, because I'm at the clinic where I did my externship two summers ago, and wondered if my attendings would find me as impressive now as they did then (when they had no expectations--what if now, as a third year, I was just another third year?). At the end of the day, however, the attending I was working with went over my note with me, quietly told me that it was good to have me back, and that my note was better than an intern's. They asked if I still wanted to do peds and were pleased to hear that I was pretty much set at this point.
There is no other way to put it--I LOVE what I did today. I loved everything about it. I walked out of work so happy I couldn't help but smile. It was one of those Aha! moments when you just know. It's right. This is right. I am in the right place, I am meant to do this, and I am good at it. I love peds, and I will make a good pediatrician, and I am so excited for these next two months.
The only problem now will be how to force myself through two months of surgery after this is over. :-)