Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break and Other Happenings

So. Healthcare Reform. Fun Stuff. I wanted to leave that last post at the top of the page for a bit just to see if anyone else out there had thoughts or comments, but I think a couple of weeks is enough time to admit that we've all kind of moved on a bit, and things seem to be settling down politically anyway so I guess that's my cue to give it up already. :-)

Let's see...not a ton of stuff going on lately so just some general updating...D and I spent spring break a couple of weeks ago in Austria, which was awesome. I had studied there for a summer in college, and he had never been, so we had a thoroughly enjoyable (if a little chilly) vacation. Since then, life has been pretty much back to normal, if not a little better than usual since we came back not only refreshed but to the arrival of spring. I don't think it's been below 55 degrees since we got back, and that's enough to raise anyone's spirits, really.

I took my first NBME assessment test today, which basically is a shortened practice version of the Board exam coming up in June, designed for us to gauge what we know already vs. what we need to study prior to actually hunkering down in our bunkers for the month of May. I actually did pretty well--above a passing level on my predicted score, so that's nice. I definitely need to study the daylights out of neurology and physiology--but to be fair, those subjects were covered last year and who really remembers anything from a year ago? Everything else seems to be pretty good to go, at least for a starting point. Now I just have to actually break down and read First Aid (the Bible of Board Review).

Also working on getting back into the gym and in shape this week because I didn't go at all over spring break, and then the week after we got back D gave me The Plague and I couldn't breathe for a week until I was rescued by the mighty Z-Pack. Good news: Now that I'm feeling all better I'm also feeling all motivated to get my butt moving again, especially given the nice weather.

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