Wednesday, October 28, 2009

All the news that's news

It's coming up on test time again, so clearly, it is time for procrastination. Lots of things have been happening lately, though, so I do at least have some alterior motives other than getting away from studying.

First off, yesterday was my birthday, and it was fabulous. My family got me a new printer that prints wirelessly and prints photos that are better quality than I've recently gotten at any drugstore kiosk, so I'm currently waiting as it prints over 50 pictures from Germany the last time I was there--which, sadly, was over 3 years ago. It's just too darn easy for digital pictures to stay on the camera rather than going in the albums I buy for them...but hopefully now it will be easier to print them all in the loveliness of my own home!

This is particularly useful because it will be helpful to have my pictures from my last European adventure printed off before we begin our next one...because D and I are headed to Vienna for my spring break as a sort of "last hurrah before B gets sucked into the hospitals." I'm incredibly excited--for our one year anniversary, his gift to me was that we would save up enough money to do Europe again before our 2nd anniversary, and lo and behold we actually did it. I'm incredibly excited--we were going back and forth for a long time between Vienna and northern Italy (Florence, etc.), but ended up going with Vienna because it's my favorite city in the world and D hasn't ever been. We'll probably take a side trip to Graz while we're there, which is where I studied the last time. It'll be cool to show him everything I did and saw when I was there for so long.

In medical news, my time in the student-run clinics is almost over, which makes me really sad. Last Monday, I only got to see one patient, but he was an incredibly cute little boy who made me giggle. It will definitely be nice to have Monday nights back again for studying and such, but I'll miss working with people. Nice to have something to look forward to for next year beyond all this studying and board prep and insanity.

I also got to spend last Friday morning hanging out with the OB team on the labor and delivery ward as part of a special event a school club was hosting. Unfortunately, it was an incredibly slow day with only about 3 women on the wards (two of whom had just arrived and were not going to deliver their babies any time soon), but we did get to see one C-section before we left. It was really neat to watch, but I have to say that the more I do other things, the more I find myself to be a peds person. While we were watching the C-section on Friday, every other student in the room was completely captivated by the surgery (ooh! look at all the blood and guts and gore and grossness! Cool!!!!)--and I was too, until the baby was born. Once he was out, I was totally into him and what the pediatricians were doing--checking APGARs, reflexes, etc. I keep trying to give other specialties a clear shot in my head--I mean, I could end up liking something other than peds, and I want to have an open mind--but every time I do I just can't seem to get away from the kiddos. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe not, but I don't know that there's much I can do about it...just have to wait and see what happens next year.

Babies just turn me into a big ball of doctor mush.

1 comment:

Katya said...

Aw, doctor mush. Sounds adorable.
and, you are going to vienna!! Why is everyone going to Vienna except me!?? I want to go! you are going to have a freaking blast.