Monday, May 3, 2010

Board Prep: Day 1/2

That's "one slash two," not "one-half," fyi. Today was supposed to be my first official day of board review, but instead I was really super bored yesterday and went ahead and got started then. I'm glad I did. Having started (even just a little), I now have a much clearer plan about how this is going to work. Some things, of course, just cause issues no matter when you get started--like the fact that I dutifully got up and ready this morning to drive down to the local library (studying at home just doesn't work when D is off...for this type of work, even the tv is distracting) only to arrive at 8:15 when they apparently don't open til 9. So I started to drive to school, realized that by the time I arrived, parked, and walked to the campus library it would be 9 anyway, and just sat in my car reading for half an hour. Otherwise it was pretty uneventful--I got done what I planned to get done by about 4:00, which left me with a lovely afternoon/evening break and now I'm going to do just a bit of review of what I looked at today (because otherwise I feel like I'm not doing enough. This is what med school does to you, my friends.).

Unfortunately, tomorrow I have a lunch meeting at school and so will have to trek into campus to avoid having to get up and move in the middle of the day. I so hate studying at campus. It's actually not the library that bothers me--it's extremely quiet and nice and warm usually--but you just run way too big of a risk of running into other people, and a lot of folks in my class are the kind of people who can stress you out just by saying hello. I think I'll arrive early to snag a table as far away from everything as possible.


Katya said...

stress you out by saying hello!?

I would stay at home too.

B, the medical student said...

There are some really, really crazy/type A/overachieving/annoying people in my class. Luckily they tend to be relatively rare.