Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Look back

So, 2009 is over. How did that happen? Here's a quick summary of everything that went on.

In January, I started second semester of M1 year, and we shortly had an ice storm to end all ice storms. Sadly, that meant we had a week off from school but still had to do work since there was a test the next week. In May, I finished my first year of med school and D began his first big promotion, and in June I spent the month working at a pediatrics internship that was incredible and life-affirming and really makes me want to be a pediatrician. In July we had a lovely vacation with my family and D began to realize just how much his new job sucked. In August, I lost my wonderful grandfather and began M2. In October, D got promoted again and now thoroughly enjoys his position. In November, I signed up for the boards, and in December, I somehow managed to survive the first semester of M2.

In 2010, I'll take the boards, start M3, and go on a fabulous spring break trip to Europe. Hopefully it will be just as awesome as it sounds.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The goose is getting fat

Twas the night after finals, and all through the house
not a creature was studying, especially not about diseases spread by a mouse.
(There's a lot of those, actually--the things you learn.)

My only problem (if you could call it that) with finals being over is the fact that I always wake up the next morning with a start, thinking I've overslept and wondering what I need to be studying. But then I realize that it's all over and I can sleep in another few hours (or eight). That's a good feeling.

Now I get two whole weeks with which to do absolutely NOTHING. Actually, not so much nothing, but now I get to do all the things I want to do without thinking about the multiple different types of ovarian cancer or hemorrhagic fever. Today I went shopping with my mom and sisters and then wrapped presents. Now all my shopping is done and my presents are under the tree and there is possibly no feeling in the world so satisfying. I'm such a Christmas dork. After dinner tonight, D and I watched the Muppet Christmas Carol, and I can't imagine that a five year old would have had more fun than me.

I'm particularly excited about Christmas this year because one of my cousins is due to have a baby any day now, and will get induced on Wednesday if she doesn't go into labor on her own before then. Which means we'll have a very brand new baby here for Christmas dinner (!!!). One more reason to celebrate. Can't wait.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving was lovely--I planned on taking the entire weekend off, but wasn't nearly as productive the Tuesday prior as I expected. It ended up turning out great--I was able to study for only the briefest amount of time each day and got immense amounts of work done. I always feel like I do my best work when I can do it in little bursts, at my own pace, when I want to, rather than forcing myself through hours and hours of work. Sadly, I don't go to medical school in Fantasy Land.

Now that we're back, it's the home stretch and the burnout is kicking in in serious ways. It doesn't help that, due to the time off for the holiday, we are now packing as MUCH SCHOOL into the final two weeks as is humanly possible. Honestly, it's pretty ridiculous. Oh well--two weeks and then it's all over (for two weeks).

Even so, as I walked to school this morning, I listened to Christmas carols on my iPod and couldn't help but smile.