In January, I started second semester of M1 year, and we shortly had an ice storm to end all ice storms. Sadly, that meant we had a week off from school but still had to do work since there was a test the next week. In May, I finished my first year of med school and D began his first big promotion, and in June I spent the month working at a pediatrics internship that was incredible and life-affirming and really makes me want to be a pediatrician. In July we had a lovely vacation with my family and D began to realize just how much his new job sucked. In August, I lost my wonderful grandfather and began M2. In October, D got promoted again and now thoroughly enjoys his position. In November, I signed up for the boards, and in December, I somehow managed to survive the first semester of M2.
In 2010, I'll take the boards, start M3, and go on a fabulous spring break trip to Europe. Hopefully it will be just as awesome as it sounds.